Langenburg Evangelical Fellowship

Lifting Up Christ, Transformed by His Love; Serving Others

Please note that as per Premier Moe's announcement September 16, masks will now be required again in church


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Langenburg Evangelical Fellowship - a small church in southern Saskatchewan which promotes authentic worship of God, is Christ-centered, and holds the Bible as being divinely inspired and authoritative.



9:15 am - Adult Sunday School
10:00 am - Worship Service and Sunday School for children and youth



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MARCH 29, 2011


The name of this church shall be Langenburg Evangelical Fellowship.

Our purpose is to spread and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ in our community, our country, and around the world.


    To be eligible to vote, one must be:

    1. Born of the Holy Spirit by receiving Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord (born again--- John 3).

    2. At least eighteen years of age.

    3. A consistent adherent and supporter of this church for a period of at least six months.

    4. Be in full agreement with the Langenburg Evangelical Fellowship Statement of Faith.


    In case of heresy or immorality, disciplinary action shall be carried out by the Pastor and the Elders in accordance with the rules laid down in Matthew 5: 23-25 and Matthew 18: 15-17. Any necessary action will be taken in the spirit of love and meekness, with the purpose of restoring the individual to fellowship with Christ and His Church.


    1. A Nominating Committee consisting of the Pastor, two persons selected from the Board, and two selected by the congregation at the previous Annual Meeting, shall be appointed to place in nomination at least one name for each office to be filled at the meeting.

    2. The Nominating Committee shall obtain the consent of all nominees before their names are posted. These names shall then be posted in the church with the report of the Nominating Committee. No nomination shall be posted later than two Sundays prior to the meeting.

    3. Any nominee who is put forward by the nomination committee as a candidate for the leadership team must receive, at the annual meeting of the congregation, a ratification vote of at least 75%.


    The Leadership Team to the Langenburg Evangelical Fellowship shall consist of Board Members and Pastoral Leadership.


      To hold offices in this church, the candidates must meet the following qualifications:

      1. Be born of the Spirit through Jesus Christ.

      2. Be at least 18 years of age.

      3. Give evidence of willingness to submit themselves to the Word of God as their only rule of faith and practice.

      4. Be qualified under the instruction of 1 Timothy 3:1-13.

      5. Demonstrate support for the vision of the church and be committed to carrying out that vision.

      6. Have been adherents of this church for a period of two years.


      1. The Leadership Team will exercise authority on behalf of the church and give leadership oversight to the spiritual health, ministry, finances and facilities of the church, while being actively involved in ministry themselves.

      2. The Leadership Team is subject only to the decisions of the congregation as indicated by majority vote.

      3. If deemed necessary, the Leadership Team may meet without the Pastor present, the Pastor being duly notified of any such meeting.


      1. The Leadership Team shall consist of a minimum of four Board Members elected by the congregation at the Annual Meeting. The term of office will be for two years with two terms expiring on even numbered years and two terms expiring on odd numbered years. To be elected, a Board Member will need to receive 75% of the votes cast. A Board Member can serve two terms before taking a minimum of one year off the Leadership Team.

      2. Each Board Member must be in full agreement with doctrinal statement of this church and is accountable to the members of the Leadership Team as well as to the congregation for the leadership they provide. They will be giving oversight responsibilities to the various ministries within the church.

      3. Each Board Member will be designated as either an elder or as a deacon/deaconess.

        1. Elders:

          • Men who meet the qualifications as prescribed in 1 Timothy 3: 1-7 are eligible to hold the office of an elder.

          • The non-pastoral elders shall consist of a number determined by the current elders of no more than 7 men ratified by the congregation.

        2. Deacons:

          • Men or women who meet the qualifications as prescribed in 1 Timothy 3: 8-13 are eligible to hold the office of deacon/deaconess.

          • The deacons shall consist of a number determined by the current Leadership Team of no more than 7 people ratified by the congregation.

      4. As part of the Leadership Team, a Board Member at Langenburg Evangelical Fellowship is expected to be committed to the four components of leadership namely:

      1. Protect the unity of the Church by acting in love toward other members, by refusing to gossip, by co-operatively working with other leaders.

      2. Share, by praying for its growth, by inviting the unchurched to attend, by warmly welcoming those who visit.

      3. Serve, by discovering their gifts and talents, by being equipped to serve as a leader, by developing a servant’s heart.

      4. Support, by attending faithfully; by living a godly life, by giving regularly.

      5. They are also expected to attend meetings, serve communion, and be available to pray with people requesting prayer.

    4. PASTORS

      1. Qualifications:

        1. Be qualified according to 1 Timothy 3: 1-7.

        2. Be in full agreement with the doctrinal statement of this church.

        3. Give evidence of the call of God on their lives to the ministry of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

        4. Be committed to the four components of leadership (as outlined above under Board Members).

      2. Duties:

        1. To be part of the Leadership Team and to sit as elders.

        2. To give oversight to the ministry and spiritual welfare of the church.

        3. To teach and preach the Word of God.

        4. Shall be allowed to vote freely on all motions at Church Board and Annual Meetings.

      3. Calling of a Pastor:

        1. The calling of a pastor shall be by a 75% majority of ballots cast at a meeting duly called for that purpose.

      4. Resignation:

        1. In the event of a Pastor wishing to resign, he shall give 30 days’ written notice to the congregation.

      5. Termination:

        1. In the event of doctrinal defection or moral defection, the Pastor’s services may be terminated immediately by action of the Leadership Team, to be ratified by a two-thirds majority vote of the congregation within 30 days.


      1. The Chairman of the Leadership Team will be elected from among the members of the Leadership Team each year and will be responsible for setting the agenda and chairing its meetings. As well, the Chairman of the Leadership Team (or a designate) will chair any Congregational Meeting (according to VII. C. of the Constitution).


      1. The Secretary of the Leadership Team will be a Board Member appointed by the Leadership Team. The person will be responsible for keeping accurate records of the meetings and decisions that are made and will ensure that these records are preserved. They will also ensure that any communication and correspondence of decisions are taken care of.


    The finances of the Langenburg Evangelical Fellowship are handled under the oversight of the Church Treasurer. The Treasurer is appointed by the Leadership Team to ensure donations are counted, accurate records are kept, and disbursements are made in accordance with the budget and approved
    expenditures. The Treasurer will assemble a team to assist him/her while maintaining the confidentiality of personal information with respect to donations.

    The Treasurer is responsible for providing the Leadership Team with a monthly report on the record of finances as well as the annual report for the Annual Meeting of the congregation. The Treasurer will ensure that the financial records will be audited at year end as well as receipting charitable donations and filling out tax returns.

    Funds shall be used to carry on the day-to-day operations of this congregation. Donations shall be used for the furtherance of God’s Kingdom in our church, our community, our country, and around the world.

    This charity shall be carried on without purpose of gain for its members, and any profits or other gains to the charity shall be used in promoting its purpose.


    The ministry of the church is accomplished as God works by His Holy Spirit through the lives of people. Each person is responsible to fulfill his or her God-given purpose by being involved in areas of ministry. In the Langenburg Evangelical Fellowship, there are numerous opportunities for people to serve in

    While everyone is encouraged to participate in ministry according to their gifting, the Leadership Team will assist people in discovering and finding areas to serve in.


    1. Annual Congregational Meeting

      The Leadership Team will be elected at this meeting. It shall be held within the first quarter of each year.

    2. Other business meetings may be called by the Leadership Team or upon written request to the Leadership Team by at least ten eligible voters.

    3. Election of the Leadership Team and other business matters shall be determined by secret ballot, unless otherwise directed by the meeting. The Chairman of the Leadership Team, or any member designated at the meeting, shall preside at all business meetings of the congregation. A
      ratification vote for Chairman shall take place at the meeting.

    4. A meeting for the purpose of holding a pastoral vote of confidence may be called by:

      1. The Leadership Team.

      2. Pastor’s request.

      3. A written request by at least ten eligible voters.

        If a Pastor gets less than 2/3 vote of confidence his term will expire within 60 days.

    5. Proxy Votes – There will not be proxy votes at any congregational meeting.

    6. Quorum would consist of 40% of eligible voters.


    Amendments to this constitution may be passed at any church business meeting, provided that said amendments have been made known at least twenty-eight days before adoption and are carried with at least three-quarters majority of votes cast.


In the event of dissolution, all the remaining assets after payments of debts shall be distributed to one or more qualified donees in Canada.