Langenburg Evangelical Fellowship

Lifting Up Christ, Transformed by His Love; Serving Others

Please note that as per Premier Moe's announcement September 16, masks will now be required again in church


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Langenburg Evangelical Fellowship - a small church in southern Saskatchewan which promotes authentic worship of God, is Christ-centered, and holds the Bible as being divinely inspired and authoritative.



9:15 am - Adult Sunday School
10:00 am - Worship Service and Sunday School for children and youth



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Prayer for the Persecuted Church

AFGHANISTAN - Officially there are no Christians in Afghanistan. Believers are in hiding and although there are small groups of believers, there is no organized church. Christians are intensely cautious about who they share their faith with. If a believer is found out, they could be kicked out of their community, admitted to a mental institution, or killed for their faith.

Pray for:
-secret believers in Afghanistan to grow in number and in unity.
-that the Lord would comfort them in their isolation.
-for courage and wisdom.

INDIA - The leader of a radical Hindu group in India declared that by the end of 2021, Christianity will be totally gone from India. Police officers rarely intervene when Christians are persecuted. In some areas, it is illegal to convert to Christianity and those who do convert are often attacked or even killed. Sharing the gospel has dangerous consequences, yet God is strengthening his church and many believers want to share Christ.

Please pray:
-for the families of pastors to stay Christ-centered and to stand firm in persecution.
-for courage and wisdom and protection for those Christians sharing the Gospel in areas where it is illegal.

ALGERIA - Violence increased dramatically in 2018 in Algeria and many churches were closed. The main source of violence comes from the relatives of Christian converts. It’s more dangerous for Christians in rural and conservative Islamic parts of the country. Though the influence of Islamic extremism is increasing, there is an openness to the gospel and people are coming to faith in Jesus.

Please pray:
-for God to give peace and wisdom to church leaders, especially as more churches close.
-for Christians from Muslim backgrounds who face pressure to renounce their faith in Jesus.

COLUMBIA - Columbia has a long history of organized crime and corruption. An increase in new armed groups and the growth of illegal crops has kept the level of violence high. Various criminal groups take possession of villages and place difficult restrictions on churches. Christian leaders have been abducted and some murdered as intolerance for Christianity has increased.

Please pray:
-for strength and protection for Christians leaders as they withstand persecution.
-that Christians will remain strong and steadfast in Christ


LEF Missions

Langenburg Evangelical Fellowship is currently looking for people to sit on the missions committee. Please contact Debra Kutvonen if you are willing to be a part of this ministry. Together, we are responsible for choosing the ministries that LEF commits to support yearly.

We strive to familiarize our congregation with the faces of these ministries by reading their updates and praying for them during services, and at weekly small group meetings.  On occasion, we are blessed to have them visit our church and share with us the work they are doing.   

 At LEF we consider it both a privilege and a responsibility to support the work of missionaries, both local and abroad. Our committee is excited to introduce you to these worthy causes.


Wycliffe, Bruce and Raewyn Weibe

Wycliffe website

Bruce's highlights center around his work analyzing and developing alphabets for unwritten languages of Nigeria and Cameroon, which is a crucial first step before Bible translation can begin in those languages.  Raewyn's highlights arise from her role as 'family-keeper' while Bruce is on trips to Africa, and will also reflect her soon-to-be new role as writer/editor for Wycliffe Canada.


Brad and Gloria Goetz

Canadian Revival Fellowship website

Brad and Gloria live in Fort Quappelle, SK and are involved with First Nations Ministry. Their mission has been linked with the Canadian Revival Fellowship who recently amalgamated under the umbrella organization The Compass Church.



Phone: 306-757-1371

Options Pregnancy Center is a comfortable, safe place for those with unplanned pregnancies to make an informed decision, whether they are choosing abortion, adoption, or parenting. They are a non-profit, faith-based, charitable organization, whose purpose is to support families during an unplanned pregnancy, post-abortion grief, or birth-parent grief. Their aim is to provide clients with up-to-date, accurate information so they can make well-informed choices about their pregnancy.

Abortion services are not provided, but they do offer:
-Free pregnancy tests
-Information you can trust, to make an informed decision
-Ongoing support and counseling
-Private and confidential Post-Abortive support
-Birth Parent Advocacy, and Birth Parent support

All services are strictly confidential and free of charge. The staff have been trained in crisis intervention, and have a deep commitment to each individual client's needs.
